Wandsworth Council is trying to take away the only green space that exists in Toland Square. A new building will see mature trees cut down, our green spaces decimated, and our lives negatively impacted thanks to less light, reduced visibility and a loss of privacy. Read our key points of contention.

Residents of all ages and abilities rely heavily upon this green space for physical and mental wellbeing. Children make friends playing football/tag/hide & seek, the elderly and those with disabilities take short, calm walks, adults congregate to exercise and support each other, and this is the space where the community come together multiple times a year.

The overwhelming majority of residents have been opposed to this plan since it’s conception. Our petition has been signed by over 500 local residents; there are 125 homes on the estate. Despite local residents’ strong opposition, the council is pushing its plans so Labour councillors can meet an arbitrary housing target at the lowest cost and in the shortest timeframe possible. It is the wrong solution and will damage not improve the lives of people living in Roehampton.

The plans proposed add three new buildings on the already densely packed square. The biggest, S2 – pictured above – will completely remove our community green space, which includes a community centre, a playground, and a tree-lined space where residents relax. Find out more about the plans here.

The two other proposed buildings will also cause problems: one would replace garages at the back of the square, removing much-needed storage space, bringing in overcrowding and overlooking of current homes; and the other is supposed to replace our lost playground and community centre but will sit between two closely spaced blocks, making the whole area more crowded, noisier, cut down on play space, and impact people’s privacy.

The plans will reduce the amount of light that enters people’s flats, increase parking and traffic problems, reduce visibility, and increase people density to an unhealthy level. We have been making these points repeatedly to the council but they have made only minor concessions. We have been left with no choice but to fight for our green space and quality of life. Please help us in that fight by:

The Save Toland Square Team

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